Solomon's CastleSolomon's Castle We are open Tuesday thru Sunday 10:00 - 4:00,
We are open October 1 - August 1>

Closed all Mondays AND the Months of Aug and Sept

Go ahead. Call the Castle!
(863) 494-6077.

You can Fax us at:
(863) 993-0755.

e-mail is easy too:

Then there’s the good old Postal Service:

Solomon’s Castle
4533 Solomon Rd.
Ona, Florida 33865

Other methods of contact include, Pony Express, Mule Train, Camel Caravan, Homing Pigeon, Marathon Delivery and shouting very loudly. Call, write, fax or e-mail for details.


Reservations Dean
He is the voice that answers all your questions. The keeper of the Keys, the Master of the Telephone, the warm smile that makes you feel welcome.

Head Chef Alane
Delicious aromas sweep through the castle towers and galleries across the courtyard to the Boat-in- the-Moat. She is cooking again. Quick! Get a seat.