Solomon's CastleSolomon's Castle We are open Tuesday thru Sunday 10:00 - 4:00,
We are open October 1 - August 1>

Closed all Mondays AND the Months of Aug and Sept

If you build it, they will dine. They were already coming by the busload and there was no place to feed them. It’s not as though they were collapsing on the lawn from fatigue. But they were asking for a sandwich or two from the Castle kitchen. So, Howard, in his Kingly wisdom, said “I will make a boat and float it in the moat to keep marauding pirates and invading armies from laying siege to my minions”--or something like that.
Anyway, next thing we knew, there was the boat.
restaurant came next and then the food and drinks and the people too! It is safe to say, and with a great deal of pride, that we now have the finest restaurant in Ona, Florida. Just ask the people who come by to visit every day and the Castle guests that lazily lounge in the boat’s dining room belly or on our oak-draped deck adjacent to the boat. Now, take a look at some of our offerings. And next time you think about coming to the Castle for a visit, remember a leisurely lunch should be a part of the bargain.

Delicious aromas sweep through the castle towers and galleries across the courtyard to the Boat-in- the-Moat. She is cooking again. Quick! Get a seat.

Head Chef Alane

Reservations Dean
He is the voice that answers all your questions. The keeper of the Keys, the Master of the Telephone, the warm smile that makes you feel welcome.